The aim of the Leeds Positive Futures programme is to engage children and young people to increase their resilience through taking part in a variety of activities and workshops to equip the children and young people with skills to make better informed choices.
Run Leeds supported by Leeds city council and Sport England breaks down barriers to running, being active and raising the participation of under-represented groups in Leeds. With other key focus areas around mental and physical health, active aging and promoting greener ways to get around. We aim to make running a sport that is diverse, accessible and more sustainable!
Active Leeds support our focus communities to become active through our ‘Get Set Leeds Local’ project – working with residents to co-create a range of projects, programmes and events that get communities moving more each day. We support through training and capacity building work, connect people to a range of opportunities that are available and provide small grants our (Community Chest Pot) to encourage people to test and try ideas out that promote Movement.
We help to manage the Leeds girls can programme. Whether you’re cycling to work or literally running the school run we’re celebrating all the amazing ways you fit exercise into your life. We want every woman and girl to have the chance to get active in any way they want to be.